Summer Camps at RWU

Engaging Summer Camps


在RWU美丽的布里斯托尔校园体验生活或参与我们动态的远程学习, hands-on summer programs. Earn college credit, build connections, 在探索你的激情的同时,培养技能来支持强有力的大学申请. Discover which program is right for you!

Bristol campus in the summer

RWU Rhode Trip 2024: College Application Bootcamp


Explore RWU Rhode Trip 2024

High School Summer Academy in Architecture

即将升入高中的三年级和四年级学生通过各种建筑工作室获得三个大学学分, seminar, field work and extracurricular activities. 学生理解建筑作为大学学习的一个可能的领域,并作为一种职业.

Explore the Summer Academy

Marine Biology Camp

我们的海洋生物夏令营是专门为高中生开设的, and is a one-week introduction to coastal ecosystems. In addition to our state-of-the-art facilities, campers immerse themselves in the dynamic, 新英格兰南部海岸繁荣的海洋环境. 营员们将通过探索食物网来了解沿海生态系统, productivity of the sea, 沿海地区的植物和动物以及海洋生物学领域的最新事件等等.

Explore Marine Biology Camp
Image of a judge striking a gavel

Mandell-Boisclair Justice Camp

这个日间课程是为中学生设计的,他们有兴趣更多地了解法律在日常生活中的重要性. Your child will learn from practicing attorneys, members of the Rhode Island judiciary, and community leaders.

Registration has closed. Please email to be added to our waitlist.

Explore Mandell-Boisclair Justice Camp
Image of a student performing a science experiment

Food Science Camp

制作一顿五星级晚餐需要很多科学知识.  From the health of the soil, to molecular manipulation for the perfect mouthfeel, 了解美食杰作是如何产生的需要物理学, chemistry, and biology mixing in perfect balance.  这个过夜夏令营将让10-12年级的学生亲身体验科学家们用来理解为什么有些食物如此美味的设备和技术.

Explore Food Science Camp
Elementary students build a wind turbine

STEAM Explorers Summer Camp (online)

这个独特的在线课程是为1-5年级的学习者设计的,他们有兴趣扩大他们对科学的熟悉程度, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). 让您的孩子有机会在下一学年有一个飞跃,今天就让他们参加这个有趣的教育体验!

STEAM Explorers is full and we no longer accepting applications

Discover STEAM Explorers Summer Camp

RWU's Forensic Science Summer Camp

Calling all aspiring forensic scientists! 网赌的十大网站为10-12年级学生举办的法医科学夏令营,让我们一起来度过一个难忘的夏季冒险. 踏上一段发现之旅,进入迷人的破案世界, 体验像专业人士一样调查谜团的快感.

Program FULL. To be added to the waitlist, please email

Explore Forensic Science Summer Camp


Elias Christo, RWU Class of 2018

伊莱亚斯·克里斯托(Elias Christo)从RWU的建筑项目中得到了最大的收获. 曾经是暑期学院的高中生, he is now in his final year of the 4+2 program, 这将使他在短短六年内获得理学学士和建筑学硕士学位.

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